Revival History

Revival History # 1

05/05/2014 08:00

From: The Eager Feet, Evangelical Awakenings, 1790-1830,
         by J. Edwin Orr, Moody Press

The onslaught in the years between 1789 and 1815 set back the cause of evangelical Christianity frighteningly. In the careful words of Kenneth Scott Latourette, 'Again it looked as though Christianity were a waning influence, about to be ushered out of the affairs of men.'  During the latter part of the 18th century, there came a general decline in morals and religion in the United States of America. Of a population of 5 million, the United States suffered 300,000 drunkards and buried about 15,000 of them annually. Immorality had increased as standards of honesty and veracity declined. It was considered that religion and morals were at the lowest ebb in the United States. The concern of statesmen became the alarm of church-men, for the churches were emptying fast. Dark days clouded the end of the 18th century. The moral decline was reflected in the life of the students in colleges. So far as religion was concerned, the colleges were the seed-beds of infidelity. Lyman Beecher described a typical campus in 1795: 'College was in a most ungodly state. Most of the students were skeptical and rowdies were plenty. Wine and liquors were kept in many rooms; intemperance, profanity, gambling and licentiousness were common...most of the class before me were infidels and called each other Voltaire, Rousseau, D'Alembert, etc.'  What was true at Yale in New Haven was true at Princeton in New Jersey, there being in one year no more that 2 students who professed religion. From France, Germany and Britain, affirmed Timothy Dwight, 'the dregs of infidelity were vomited upon us...the whole mass of pollution was emptied upon this country.' Churchmen of all denominations continued to be deeply concerned about the spiritual state of the country throughout the 1780s and into the 1790s. The renewal of the churches and renewal of the nation could come from only one quarter--from a revival of the magnitude of the Great Awakening. All of North America from the Atlantic to the Mississippi needed a revival. Demonic forces with carnal collaboration had forced the churches into a corner. How did they retaliate and turn the defeat into victory?  (To be continued)

Disclaimer: As owner of this website my recommendation is limited to the book from which the above information/quotations were obtained.  Information is collected to show the reader(s) of our present-day need of revival.

Dear Reader of this site! Psalm 9:17 says, "The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God."  God's handwriting has been upon the walls of America for a long time! It is no longer a "God Bless America" but rather a God-less America and the only answer for the Christian, the Church of Jesus Christ, this Country IS..REVIVAL FOR SURVIVAL!

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