About Us

To DO something... just to do something is only activity! To DO something for a reason, with a purpose, can result in productivity! So what is the reason - what is the purpose for this website?


To trust the Holy Spirit to produce a scriptural and spiritual stirring toward the REVIVAL of DRYING UP CHRISTIANS and DYING OUT CHURCHES! After 40 years of varied ministries I am convinced of the Christian's and Church's need for a DAILY revival, IF... there is to be SURVIVAL of both!  Richard Owen Roberts said quote "Revival is an extraordinary movement of God that produces extraordinary spiritual results" The late Del Fehsenfeld Jr. said quote "Revival results in a fresh commitment to obey anything God says to us and to yield without question, hesitation, or reservation to the Lordship of Christ in our lives" I refer you to:

Psalm 85:6 - "Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"

God revives HIS people so that HIS people may rejoice in God!  We see the reason and purpose for revival - God receives the worship, praise, rejoicing from the people HE revives! I refer you to our theme verse:

Revelation 3:20 - "Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me"

The truth here is that Jesus Christ is on the outside of the church at Laodicea, representing the end-time church, desiring entrance to within the church so that HE can have the pre-eminence of man's worship and the priority of all man's plans, promotions, programs, etcs!  You see, Jesus said of this church at Laodicea in Revelation 3:17 "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and HAVE NEED OF NOTHING!"

Revival is desperately needed because our end-time, present-day church "THINKS" it has need of nothing materially, financially, spiritually, when in reality it has need of everything spiritually!  Now in this introduction of About Us, I could overload the reader with many reasons WHY we need revival but will include most of them in the Church Needs portion of this site.

Some reasons for revival now are....

While many Christians are looking for Jesus' coming again at the rapture, they're failing to understand with godly fear the fact of their standing before Jesus Christ at the Judgment Seat of Christ to give account of their lives, living, and laboring with the receiving or not receiving of rewards!  Without revival the un-revived saints will not reach the un-evangelized lost! Without revival the saint will not be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ!  We need revival when making a living is more important that living for the Lord!  Revival is needed when there's a lack of conviction, repentance, and confession in the saints of God when the Bible is preached!  Revival is needed because 70 to 75% of all church members become inactive within 2 years! Revival is needed because the emerging church is subverting and aggressively seeking the submerging of the fundamental church!  Revival is needed in Christians because all the areas we used to abstain from we're now entertained by them! Even pastors need revival as they get so busy in the work of the Lord that they neglect coming apart with Christ the Lord of the work! 

Read Jesus' words in Revelation 2:5 and hear Him say "Repent or else"! It would either be revival or removal of the light within that church! And it MUST be for the Christian and Church today... REVIVAL FOR SURVIVAL!  Truly... Psalm 119:126 is so up to date - "IT IS TIME for thee LORD, TO WORK, for they have made void thy law".

So AGAIN, in case you missed it, the reason and purpose for this site is to be a help-ministry toward the stirring of drying up Christians and dying out churches to EXPERIENCE REVIVAL..FOR SURVIVAL!

Dear Reader! Are YOU REVIVED? Be stirred to experience and enjoy it!