Doctrinal Statement

1. Doctrine of the Scriptures - I believe the Scriptures comprise only the 66 books of the Old & New Testaments; that they are the complete revelation of God to man & that adding to or subtracting from the Scriptures are forbidden by the Scriptures themselves. The Scriptures are verbally & plenarily inspired by God, I.E., every word & the entirety of the Scriptures. The Scriptures are inerrant, infallible, & are the born-again believer's only authority for faith and conduct. I believe the God-inspired Scriptures are preserved in the King James Version of the Bible & endorse no other.

2. Doctrine of God - I believe the Scriptures are clear as to a Triune Godhead; eternally existing in 3 Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; yet one in essence & attributes, co-equal in every divine perfection. All 3 Persons of this one Triune Godhead are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

    A. God the Father is Father only to those who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour & He is the object of our worship and praise.
    B. God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ is absolute deity, being God manifest in the flesh, yet born of a virgin, He is also humanity yet without sin. He died a vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice for all of mankind's sin having shed His blood for the remission of our sin. Buried according to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ bodily arose from the dead, ascended back up into heaven where He is the mediator and high priest for the saints of God.
    C. God the Holy Spirit - He is a divine Person, equal and of the same nature to the Father and Son. He convicts the unbeliever of sin, convinces the unbeliever of his need of salvation, and converts the sinner into a saint when the unbeliever repents of sin & places his total trust/faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and empty tomb.

3. Doctrine of Sin and Man - I believe that sin is the transgression of the law of God. I believe in the universality of sin; that man is physically born, yet spiritually dead in trespasses & sin and must be born-again. Sin separates man from God & there is no remission of sin apart from the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Man is born under the condemnation and wrath of God and if he is not born-again he will die in his sin, go directly to a literal Hell, & eventually will suffer eternal punishment in the lake of fire.

4. Doctrine of Salvation - Salvation is the free gift of God offered to man by divine mercy and grace and received through personal repentance of sin and faith in the saving Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is solely through faith alone in the blood of Jesus Christ, apart from human merit or human works. All those who receive Jesus Christ by faith are instantly regenerated, becoming children of God.

5. Doctrine of Eternal Security - I believe that the child of God, regenerated and saved, is kept by God's power and is eternally secure in Jesus Christ. One cannot lose salvation who is truly born-again from above!

6. Doctrine of Sanctification - Every saved person has been sanctified or set apart at salvation and is being sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and one day will be completely sanctified at his glorification when he meets Jesus Christ face to face. Every saved person receives a new nature, yet lives with an old sin-nature that will not be eradicated until he gets to heaven. The born-again believer can however get victory over the old sin-nature by allowing the Holy Spirit to fill him, lead him, & conform him to the image of Jesus Christ.

7. Doctrine of Separation - The local church is to separate from affiliation and fellowship from those who deny the orthodox beliefs of the Christian faith. The individual Christian is to separate from all worldly practices that would dishonor the Saviour.

8. Doctrine of the Church - Scriptures show the Church to be the body of Jesus Christ of which He is the Head and those who've been truly born-again are baptized or placed into this body at salvation. Every born-again believer should be baptized by immersion after salvation and a part of the membership of a local, fundamental, Bible-believing church. I believe that membership in a local, independent, baptist church will further the Christian's growth in the Scriptures and adapt him for Christian service. The two local church ordinances are believer's baptism and the Lord's supper observance. I believe there are two officers within a local church, the pastor and deacon.

9. Doctrine of Last Things - I believe in the imminent rapture of the church into Heaven, followed by a 7-year period of tribulation upon all the earth. At the rapture only born-again believers will be ushered up into Heaven, while all unsaved remain on earth. I believe that those who have heard the Gospel and rejected it will not have a second-chance after the rapture. The second coming of Jesus Christ to the earth will take place after the 7-year tribulation period with events leading up to a literal 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth.

10. Additional Positions - As a Biblicist I oppose charismatism, ecumenism, Roman Catholicism, even Calvinism which promotes an unscriptural TULIP acrostic. More up-to-date I oppose the emerging church with its new age attachments/affiliations to ecumenism. I might add, as a fundamentalist, I believe our fundamental churches are in desperate need of revival, the very intention of this website.